20th anniversary
spoken word

nuyorican poets cafe


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Beulah's Boy

by temi rose

Beulah’s boy is 62
he lives at home
Beulah takes care of him
he has no legs
i ask her how he lost his legs
agent orange ate them, she says
she says, agent orange took his legs
how did that happen?
I ask
Nam, she says so quietly
i don’t hear her
i wait a long time in the silence
for an answer she’s already given
i don’t mean to upset you, i say
Vietnam, says Beulah with some energy
behind it. i said Nam, she says
she’s not angry with me
we talk about how they both smoke
cigarettes anywhere they want to
inside their house
whenever they want to
my soul bones ache
i am dizzy with despair

Beulah’s boy is 62
he lives at home
Beulah takes care of him

Beulah's Boy Poem by temi rose
beulah's boy by temi rose