for years i dreamt i was falling
these dreams haunted my waking life and made me an insomniac at six

there was a sweeping stairway
and a wicked witch
and i would fall
and the pain was excruciating
pain beyond what i thought was possible in life
and i could not wake up
and the witch would laugh and laugh

and i would wake exhausted unable to face what life had in store

then you came to me one night, you and three others
you came every night for years and years

and we learned me how to fly

we flew over cities and over landscapes

some of the landscapes became familiar territory and i would get happy as we flew over them

then one day i met you - really met you - in person
and i couldn't resist your beauty
i followed you around like a puppy dog
puppy love i guess they call it, pant, pant...

but i was too simple for you
you could already fly

and you were fearless and so tempted by things far beyond my imagination
pain to you was nothing but i never really escaped that wicked witch and so lived in a kind of interminable anticipation of disaster

so we did our thing and hurt each other and parted several times and made love in many wonderful ways
some of them pretty close to flying

anyway, we don't want to bore our readers... after you left for good, that was when i really began to fly in my dreams
i went back to all the familiar places and once you were there, but only once so far.. you can visit me you know, i won't fall in love with you again, i promise

i fly now whenever i want and i can do all kinds of things i taught myself
maybe i could even show you a few things, what do you think?