An Intrinsic Exquisite


and if an angel

did sweep me

off my feet

and if a man
was able

to create a space
of peace

and if I were able
to enter

into the world
inside your arms

would you be
warm and tender

or cruel
like the others?


my mother hates me
she always has

my father thought I was ok
until I began to stink of womanhood

then only my peers could stand me
til I wanted to take womanhood to its natural exponent

that's when I left my peers behind wondering why I had sunk from career to childbirth

my god/dess

and then it became fashionable - most probably an extension of 80's grandiose insensate sensibility:
more of everything is better even if you have to take it completely totally apart
into its component parts to get the more

after they acquire the color tv
the remote, the car, answering machine
the elastic mentality, computer.. something must be missing?

oh, yes

and of course
there was also that annoying factor of the impossibility of women
really ever succeeding in a man's world

finally that fully sank in


one might as well birth
that might make a life count for something