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collaboration EDITORIAL

We create together what we could not achieve alone.

We believe that the complex relationship of collaboration is understood both by experiencing and reflecting upon our own collaborative relationships as well as examining the collaborative relationships of others.

By its interpersonal nature, collaboration may be defined in a variety of ways. The definitions of collaboration that we acknowledge are dynamic and limitless

LINKS - please send us suggestions for links and feel free to link to us

1. WWW Collaboration Projects


This is a list of resources about collaboration technologies and WWW projects that support collaboration by participants. Please add others to the responses below or on the appropriate page.

2. Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice


The CECP is part of the American Institutes for Research (AIR), and is funded under a cooperative agreement with the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), U.S. Department of Education (ED), with supplemental funding from the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).



The Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching & Learning is an alliance of public, private and tribal colleges that supports and promotes outstanding college teaching. Among the programs and services The Collaboration offers are twice-yearly conferences, traveling workshops, Department chairs workshops, faculty development program evaluations, and various publications.

4. The Global Schoolhouse


Global Schoolhouse has joined forces with Lightspan.com to bring you the best online collaborative learning. Please use the links on this page to find Global Schoolhouse content and tools plus easy access to the wealth of material on Lightspan.com.

