

Community is one way of defining social space.

A community can be thought of as a group of persons living in the same area and under the same government, having common interests. This sort of community is created and maintained by human contact and requires, active participation. The experiences and interactions that occur between persons form and direct the community.

We often hear of individual schools, school districts, small towns and small groups of people referred to as communities, but we rarely hear large metropolitan areas or corporations referred to as communities. Even less often is a country or a continent considered a community even though the term global community is heard often.

Size is one consideration for forming a community, and personal contacts another. However, if we consider that a global community exists, then other conditions must be present.

In this community section of diversity studies, we intend to explore the meaning of communities, from the micro issues of group dynamics to the macro issues of world peace, and whether or not the Earth will become a community member in the universe?

We will publish essays, interviews, qualitative research, multimedia presentations and projects that explore
community diversity issues.


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