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This section of our journal is devoted to cultural studies. We are interested in receiving and publishing serious work that may address cultural issues - languages, ceremonies and rituals, artistic achievements, inventions, institutions, technology, traditions - of a particular period, or group of people.

Studies on particular aspects of specific cultures, as well as comparative studies among cultures are welcome. Methodological approaches to the study of culture from different disciplines - anthropology, archaelogy, aesthetics, economics, sociology, history, education, literature etc. - may all be considered.


The formats we accept are:
qualitative research
web-based interactive
multimedia interactive

The content may be written in English, Portuguese or Spanish, however other languages are welcome as long as a translation is made available.

When you wish us to see your work and consider it for publication, please take a look at the general requirement stated in the journal guidelines. Then follow this link to our online form.


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