Getting help in Austin, Texas


What can I do?

Domestic violence impacts many people, more than the immediate parties involved.

Often those people affected choose to ignore the problem, rationalizing that it is none of their business. Oftentimes friends, family mambers, and especially the victim feel helpless and don't know where to start in providing or getting support .

However, inaction on the part of anyone aware of or involved in a family violence situation, can be deadly.

What is your role and how can you answer the call to action?


My family is experiencing violence
I would like to


Legal Services Links:
Travis County Attorney's Office
Travis County District Attorney's Office
Legal Aid of Central Texas
Women's Advocacy Project

Social Services Links:
APD Victim Services
TCSO Victim Services
SafePlace: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survival Center
Austin Child Guidance Center

Additional Resources:

Domestic Violence Hotlines and Resources

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Violence Against Women Office

Violence Agaianst Men and Women

Family Violence Awareness Page

Husband Battering

Child Abuse:

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information

Prevent Child Abuse America

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Abuse Yellow Pages

Family Violence

Child Abuse

Traffic Accidents and Fatalities

Legal Support and Information