Getting help in Austin, Texas


Traffic Fatalities

All fatalities are investigated by a detective in the traffic office.

A detective responds to the scene of fatality incidents.

They oversee processing of the scene and direct the collection of evidence.

If applicable, the detective determines whether criminal charges will be filed at the time of the incident.

If no charges are filed at that time, and there is a question of whether charges should be filed, the case will be staffed with an assistant district attorney. The attorney will determine if charges are to filed or if the case will be presented before a grand jury for further inquiry.

In fatality collisions where the suspect driver dies, no charges will be filed.



Frequently Asked Traffic Questions

1. What do you do if you are involved in a collision?

2. What is a Blue Form?

3. What if the person that hit me does not have insurance/gave me fake information?

4.What about bicycles?

5. Traffic Fatalities



Family Violence

Child Abuse

Traffic Accidents and Fatalities

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