During this presentation of Blood and Theory we will be simultaneously presenting live and discussing through the moo ..

Click here to login when you are ready.to moo with temi... have your password and username ready, from harun

harun will have user names and passwords to give to you.../ temi will be online waiting to hear from you, your reactions, your feelings, your opinions, statements, questions... temi's moo name is the same as her name: temirose

harun will handle the live presentation/ temi will field the moo conversation

here are some quick reference points for this moo:

" | say <words> | speak aloud to everyone in the room
` | to <person> <words> | speak aloud, directing <words> to <person>
: | emote <words> | show yourself doing <words>
| mu <person> <words> | say <words> privately to <person> (local)
' | page <person> <words> | say <words> privately to <person> (remote)
look look at the room you're in
<exit> | go through the exit named <exit>
join <person> | walk to the location where <person> is
help <topic> | get help with a particular topic
@exits show names of exits from the room you're in
@who see who's logged in and where they are
@quit disconnect from MOOville
Speaking commands can be abbreviated by using the punctuation marks on the left (e.g. "Hello is the same as say Hello).
" (quotes)
say words- speak aloud to everyone in the room
` (backtick) to em words
speak aloud, directing words to em
: (colon) emote words
show yourself doing words
mu em words
say words privately to em (local)
' (apostrophe) page em words
say words privately to em (remote)
+ (plus)
+ em words
show yourself doing words privately to em (remote)
@exits show names of exits from the room you're in
exit go through the exit named exit
walk to words walk to the room named words
join person walk to the location where person is
go to your home (where you are when you start)
@sethome set current location as your home, if permitted
exam words get detailed information about a person or object
@contents show the contents of the room you are inOther commands
@audit em see what player em owns
@d word get information about object word
help topic get help with a particular topic
help help get an explanation of the in-MOO help system
inv find out what you are carrying
@who see who's logged in and where they are