2016 2cyberwhelm.org

chernyshevsky loved accumulating the seemingly solid facts encyclopedias purvey. he valued the measurable, tangible parts of a world that, because it is mechanical and subject to general laws, can be confidently predicted. fyodor too loves to accumulate, but he prefers the stray, disregarded detail to the accepted commonplace. he sees a life full of intangilbe beauty, splendidly overstocked, blessedly more complex than we can know, and utterly unforeseeable.

vladimir nabokov: the russian years
by brian boyd


tuesday, november 8th 2016


an absolute empire obtains its defenders by inspiring fear; democracy only by bestowing benefits. fear or interest lies at the heart of all devotion. ... on these important subjects i have not been able to forbear expressing the truth as it appears to me; there is a great satisfaction in saying what one believes useful and just.

anatole france
the life of joan of arc / translation winifred stephens / gutenberg.org

SUPERHILARIOUS book new to the usa 9/20/16 the trouble with women by jacky fleming totally worth a read!

2016 world series Cubs' (winners) scores (7 games) 0+5+2+3+9+8 = 27 home runs
Indians' scores (7 games) 6+1+7+2+3+7 = 27 home runs

four classical audio plays produced by temi rose
now hosted on
search term: temi rose

1. a woman of no importance by oscar wilde
audio only (gutenberg.org)
illustrated audio recording (youtube.com)
original production information (2cyberwhelm.org)

2. the doctor's dilemma by george bernard shaw
audio only (gutenberg.org)
illustrated audio recording (youtube.com)
original production information (2cyberwhelm.org)

.3. the admirable crichton by james m. barrie
audio only (gutenberg.org)
illustrated audio recording (youtube.com)
original production information (2cyberwhelm.org)

.3. major barbara by george bernard shaw
audio only (gutenberg.org)
illustrated audio recording (youtube.com)
original production information (2cyberwhelm.org)


aurora leigh - love and revolution
aurora leigh novel in verse
by elizabeth barrett browning
edited to play form by temi rose
on youtube

aurora leigh -love and revolution
by temi rose
production notes
january 2006 produced at
the ensemble studio theatre


hanging out by temi rose
produced 1980 at
the ensemble studio theatre
(revised in 1983 in montana)

rehearsing and recording a new translation of chekhov's three sisters by elena harper and temi rose

april 24, 2016 at yeoryia studios nyc
and may 1, 2016 at the directors company nyc

Created with flickr slideshow

Andrey Sergeyevich Prozorov – gianmarco soresi
Natalia Ivanovna (Natasha) – allison threadgold
Olga Prozorova – lucy mcmichael
Masha Kulygina – temi rose
Irina Prozorova – kathleen kenning
Feodor Ilyich Kulygin – jim mullins
Lieutenant Colonel Alexandr Ignatevich Vershinin – tim marriott
Lieutenant Baron Nikolay Lvovich Tuzenbakh – jonathan horvath
Captain Vassily Vassilyevich Solyony – richard kent green
Doctor Ivan Romanovich Chebutykin – laurence cantor
Alexsey Petrovich Fedotik – taylor rosen
Vladimir Karlovich Rode – matthew l. imparato
Ferapont Spiridonovich – matthew l. imparato
Anfisa – eve sorel



harold brodkey by douglas gruenau

photographs of harold brodkey (my dad)
by douglas gruenau



further back in time


on the way to felix's 4th bday

temi rose
vid by michal joy white
on Vimeo