
Behold the sculptured water, naked
aglow with rainbow colors
waltzing to magical classical music
while the cherry moon watches attentively
hoping to slip down and share
the iridescent watercolors of blaze
and to shine fully and peacefully...
Behold the green-blue wavelets rise high
then pour down into the lagoon charmingly.
Lights grace the trees with fruitful hopes
an attractive view, a celestrial panorama
beautifully attired in heavenly colors blowing
light and fire - a wonderful masterpiece
coloring imagination with kaleidoscopic visions.
Behold the dazzling arrows are strung together
like lighted Christmas trees, and the sky and stars
resound the cheers... like genius musicians
the light-stitched buildings play
and sway with the rays that splash the surf
the stones had come alive and the drunken
sky is painted with fairy brushes.
Behold crimson vibrations assault
the sky, burst into the core of the dark
as graceful fire birds taking flight
from my heart, donning shimmering
garments, seductively displaying pearl
fireworks catching the eye of Aurora
to witness the birth of a new dawn
and behold what was once beyond explanation
suddenly has become real. How can a poet
stand tight-lipped against this wonder
against the live-book written by wet flames?
Light ascends and descends and dark
fades if the night returned to day
all my senses are mesmerized.
I want to hold the fire-pillars of water
fill my heart with glee, shout Hallelujah!

Najwa Salam Brax

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