Temi Rose Vita

Temi Ann Rose was born in La Plata, Maryland in 1953, to Harold Roy Brodkey and Joanna Brown Brodkey. Temi received a BA in History from the University of Pennsylvania, Phi Beta Kappa, in 1974; and an MA in Instructional Technology from the University of Texas at Austin, in 1998. Temi has been a playwright/actress member of The Ensemble Studio Theater since 1979. She has published Perceptions, Women's Poetry for a Change, since 1983. Perceptions is collected by the University of Wisconsin, Serials Memorial Library, the New York Public Library, South Bank Poetry Library (London, U.K.), and is available on microfilm from Bell & Howell's Information and Learning, Alternative Press Collection. Temi was an Artist-in-the-Schools for video production in Montana, from 1988 until 1992. Temi has designed and delivered learning programs for Women Returners and Youth in Crisis, for Save the Children Fund and Woolwich College (now, Greenwich College), in London, U.K.. Temi has worked as an instructional designer for IBM, Tivoli, and as a graphic designer for IBM, Redbooks. Temi has two daughters..

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