amy huddleston through the leaves painting

rehearsal photos - courage by temi (brodkey) rose - photos by michal joy nahea

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR. 

Hope: Lucy McMichael*
Arthur: Peter Klein
Stephen: Matt Decoster
Michael: Andrew Rothkin
Connie: Lorinne Lampert*
Gina: Joan Shepard*
Julie/She: Rin Allen*
Frankie/He: Charles Hinshaw
Bruce: Jerry Rodgers
Brenda: Nona Niedert
Raj: Matthew L. Imparato

Stage Directions: Jason Daniel Siegel

Sign Man: Big Mike Logan, more, more
Music by Somers and Steel / Melodie Somers*^

to David Goldsmith and Primary Stages
for rehearsal spaces

*appearing courtesy of AEA
^member ensemble studio theatre

photos on flickr