
women’s poetry for a change

issue # 59
fall 2003

page six...

my time of life
temi rose
i remember learning to read
i remember cold insanity
i remember falling in dreams
widening down deeper into endless dark
running from a witch
which witch was she? the witch in me or the witch in you?
when did i turn and face her, me, you?
she shared the world with me while i stood paralyzed
on the edge, watching
she had sublime skills i seem to lack
she has immersion in the actual
she can believe in the real
and now they’re dead
exhausted. drowned erotically - not exotically - on the battlefields of life
not with guns, tear gas or missiles - extravagantly, dramatically
poetically, pointed and poignant, savage, robust, heart-felt
they died of love
competition w/o compassion is a prolonged armageddon
an empty, hopeless expanse through which we each crash into each
destroying everything touched or felt
opposites are merely coordinates
disparate meanings strong in their separation
except in love where love loves its opposite and merges into something new
rochelle hope mehr
I don’t know anything about quality or worth.
About the weightiness of a stream of thought
What is the poundage required to weigh down the trawl?
To secure certainty?
To damn infinity?
To flood the gates?
What does it take?
I threw a pebble into the stream
the waters parted
the piranha cut into my dream
Whose flesh are they devouring?
Who oars this trireme?
eamer o’keefe
perhaps you’ll always be there in the picture
watching me from behind the wall
outside the frame, tossing my love
like a rubber ball out of my reach
if I stretch out my and, y ou still burn me up
but you’re clearer than any photograph
watching me from behind that wall
as I search for you in each negative face.
rochelle hope mehr
it’s some biochemical calculus
I’m stuck with
some squamous stoichiometry embedded
in my brain
this minerological colossus
I pay obeissance to each day
it’s there, lodged sinisterly
somewhere I can’t see