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think of how much your life will improve
from climbing mountains, or touring Nepal
sleeping right through the night, remaining cool.
You may lose weight, feel sexual again
attract more attention with softer skin.
You can burn up the candle at both ends
light two at a time and start afresh.

You can, if you wish, read the small print.
an image remains. It's not a myth.
It matures, of course, and will show a few lines
You'll remain at your best.
It's locked in an attic inside your head.
Accessible? Yes - but I wouldn't advise
needless depression. You won't know it's there
as long as you stick with the medication.
All things have to end, but not for some time.
and you've been an atheist all your life.
There's a tiny proportion who pick the short straw.
Just call it a gamble, or the luck of the draw.
When you go, you'll go, but at least you'll look good.
This way, barring accidents, you choose your fate.
And if life gets boring, you can't really lose.
One hell's very much like another, I'd say!

Eamer O'Keeffe

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