
The theorists say that children's play reflects and reinforces societal patterns, know the general
gist of the thing -- but then they (these theorists) get all twisted in a snit trying to figure out how to manipulate
this or that factor of play to make it into the patterns that they perceive it needs to be reflecting and of course
it must not go without saying that these "they"s and "it"s are acting without self reflection and are themselves
further extensions of unknowing self replicating - uh - patterns of - dare we say it? - control.

And anyway, p.s., every intelligent person I know is hoping against hope to find a lover with whom they can
play, with whom their ideas of play are compatible. It's not too hard to find a work pattern partner but a play
pattern partner who can maintain and sustain an ongoing relationship, now that's a challenge and a half for the
new millenium.