
Research is epistemologically-bounded experience.

Direct experience of ontology in complete awareness is called nirvana.

Nirvana is therefore the apex state of research,
which, commonly known as search, is the ability
to be living in the moment
while still-y (in stillness) aware
sensing the pattern
while moving (in motion) alive

Art uses craft as its mechanism for creating meaning. Craft forms
are epistemologies. For craft forms to become illuminative
as art they must not only be solidly based on epistemological knowledge,
they must be motivated by the necessity to embody a direct interpretation of the lifeworld.

I will make these assertions:

1) that ontology is knowledge of the lifeworld
2) that ontology, because it is organic and therefore in a continuous state of flux, as nature, is neither completely containable

nor reliably predictable

3) that ontologies are affected and influenced by and susceptible to heuristic inferences: By this I mean nothing more than - the experimenter affects the experiment, is, in fact, an intrinsic part of the experiment: our point of reference is conceived as contained within the ontology of what occurs. Whereas, when our point of reference is conceived as contained strictly within an epistemological view, it is possible to limit the scope of the experiment to such an extent that it is entirely contained within that epistemological framework.

This last is what we have formerly considered to be objective. Objectivity does not mean that there exist in time or space any neutrality. It cannot have that meaning since we know all existence is mutually effecting. Objectivity can mean that, within given restrictions of circumstances and conditions, predictability is possible.

The problem, for action research, is that the levels of predictability are directly proportional to the levels of control. In the context of social systems, exerting levels of control sufficient to engender predictability originate ethical dilemmas of extraordinary power and validity.



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