turmoil and agony

something's going on somewhere

maybe in my own heart
i dread to walk out the door to meet the fate that awaits

what if the horror escapes its boundaries and falls full frontal on moi?

moi? the hopelessly incapable

moi? the relentless romantic

moi? the loneliest person on earth

i don't know if i can bear any more pain

and as soon as i say that i think, oh my god, don't use that as an excuse

to show me that indeed i can

don't take umbrage at me, take pity and leave me alone

don't pour your rage into my little cup til storms explode in my face

i'm thirsty


wishing to drink of the milk of human kindness

searching for the dairy that sells this longlost, almost iconic, certainly as rare as a

unicorn condiment