perceptions spring 2003

lawyers and things by eleanor koldofsky

things are things
that’s all they are
they happen and you get through them
bankruptcy, mortgages, a banged up car
a divorce
a lawyer takes one side or the other
in any case - no bother
there is no right or wrong
there is no care
they have your day in court
justice is not what it’s about
justice is what they abort
they with their costumes, their tools
just-ice in their brains, just-ice in their veins
win some, lose some
they go to their country home
thinking it theirs to deserve and own
law and order are incidental to justice
spoken by men who stand
for a country’s freedom and justice
though, turning the people into
fighting trumped up wars
believing they are gods themselves
justice stands with her eyes blindfolded
scales and measures
slightly off
in perpetuity
