Preserve the HUMANNEss of Humans


The web is a new medium, if the medium is not the message, it is certainly able to influence the message. The forms we make to hold our thoughts and feelings must come from those same thoughts and feelings. There is a dialogic development between what is inside ourselves and what we make to hold what is inside outselves. As we see what we are, we change what we are.

How will the web change who we are? First we want to look at how it reflects who we are. The web tells us that we love to be connected, that we hunger for heterarchal relationships, that we are still desperately warped about our sexuality, that we are still letting men make the most impact on the society. the web tells us that we are communicative, that we crave freedom of expression and information. The web tells us that we can create together something far greater than any one of us could create alone.

What is required of us now, to work with this new medium? Courage. Courage to not fall for the easy and the obvious. Courage to join the creative experiment. Courage to face our weaknesses together. What is courage made of? I believe that courage consists of ten gumptions... each gumption is an aspect of our selves that, when developed, will fill the new medium with the messages it deserves.

this site is organized around my glossary of terms called gumptions - I hope you enjoy the show!
