Getting help in Austin, Texas


Definitions of Child Neglect

Physical neglect is "the failure to provide the child with food, clothing, or shelter necessary to sustain the life or health of the child, excluding failure caused primarily by financial inability unless relief services had been offered and refused."

Medical neglect is "the failure to seek, obtain, or follow through with medical care for the child, with the failure resulting in or presenting a substantial risk of death, disfigurement, or bodily injury or with the failure resulting in an observable and material impairment to the growth, development, or functioning of the child."

Neglectful supervision is "placing the child in or failing to remove the child from a situation that a reasonable person would realize requires judgment or actions beyond the childŐs level of maturity, physical condition, or mental abilities and that results in bodily injury or a substantial risk of immediate harm to the child."

Abandonment is "the leaving of a child in a situation where the child would be exposed to a substantial risk of harm, without arranging for necessary care for the child, and a demonstration of an intent not to return."

Refusal to accept parental responsibility is "the failure by the person responsible for a childŐs care, custody, or welfare to permit the child to return to the childŐs home without arranging for the necessary care for the child after the child has been absent from the home for any reason, including having been in residential placement or having run away."


Physical Child Abuse
Physical Child Abuse
Emotional Child Abuse
Sexual Child Abuse
My family is experiencing violence
I would like to


Legal Services Links:
Travis County Attorney's Office
Travis County District Attorney's Office
Legal Aid of Central Texas
Women's Advocacy Project

Social Services Links:
APD Victim Services
TCSO Victim Services
SafePlace: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survival Center
Austin Child Guidance Center

Additional Resources:

Domestic Violence Hotlines and Resources

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Violence Against Women Office

Violence Agaianst Men and Women

Family Violence Awareness Page

Husband Battering

Child Abuse:

National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information

Prevent Child Abuse America

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Abuse Yellow Page

Family Violence

Child Abuse

Traffic Accidents and Fatalities

Legal Support and Information